• Question: You said you had recently found a molecule which you may or may not have discovered. Could you provide pictures? What properties does it have? If you had the opportunity, what would you call it?

    Asked by Joe to Laura on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Laura Schofield

      Laura Schofield answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      I can’t I’m afraid. It’s all top secret at the moment until I can confirm it. Unfortunately with new discoveries, we can’t really discuss them until we know for certain and when we do know for certain, then we will submit a paper (like a magazine article but aimed specifically at scientists) to announce it to the scientific world.
      I’m not sure about the properties yet but it could be used as a starting material for other molecules that are more important!
      If I had the opportunity I’d definitely call it fanplastic! But in reality it would be named after my supervisor (it’s just the way it always goes!) so it’d be the Poliakoff molecule.
