• Question: how does it feel to be so close to winning?

    Asked by E_kelleher to Laura, Matthew, Andrew on 20 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Matthew Camilleri

      Matthew Camilleri answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      We are not really half way yet, I have grown up with the mentality that wining is the most important thing in life, and anything other then winning is a failure.
      To be fair, in such a competition I think that winning is the least important thing, this is a science outreach program and for me I can only feel like a winner if I managed to get people interested in science. The real prize is making a difference in some body else’s life, and not being told I am the winner tomorrow (Although taht would be really cool as well)

    • Photo: Andrew McKinley

      Andrew McKinley answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      I think it is exhilarating to have got this far! Although we are three down from 5, so we are only half-way through the evictions….

      I’m really hopeful, but everyone here is a worthy winner!
