• Question: have you ever had to use another language as part of your research/project?

    Asked by E_kelleher to Laura, Matthew, Andrew on 20 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Matthew Camilleri

      Matthew Camilleri answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      I have had to speak in Italian a couple of times with a collaborator of mine since his English was rather poor. Apart from that I have of course talked about chemistry in Maltese a number of times when i was back in Malta.

    • Photo: Andrew McKinley

      Andrew McKinley answered on 20 Nov 2014:

      Absolutely! Technical German has been very useful as quite a number of papers in the literature were published in German. It is less of an issue now; most things are published in Englsh now.

      I can’t actually speak German though! Scientific papers however are written the same way the world over though, and use very technical language, so it is actually quite easy to understand a paper written in “Technical” german.
